Difference Between SVG and JPEG? How and Where to Use These Formats?

Images have become an essential part of our lives. The advent of the internet has augmented their usage. You would find images everywhere on the internet, whether you visit an ecommerce site, social media site, blog, or even a general website. However, the question is whether images have different types. The answer is yes; images are basically categorized into two types, raster images, and vector images. Both these types represent a totally different genre of images.

When we talk about raster and vector image files, the two most frequent formats used for both types of images are known to be JPEG and SVG, respectively. We have put together details about both these formats to help you understand their differences. Moreover, we have also discussed their applications to make it easier for you to use the right format for the right application. Further details about the types of images, their frequently used formats, and applications are given below:

A Brief Comparison Between Raster(JPEG) and Vector(SVG) Image Files

Raster images are the kind of image files that are made up of colored pixels. These pixels are in a fixed number. Hence, increasing the size of a raster file would ultimately affect its quality and resolution. A significant majority of images found on the web and in printed form are raster image files. Various programs compatible with desktop and mobile devices can help you view these files. Small squares or pixels form a large colored grid that serves as the basis of a raster image. Such a grid is called the bitmap.

On the other hand, the term ‘Vector Files’ represents a totally different genre of images. Vector image files are made up of lines and dots mapped using mathematical formulas. The dots are considered the basic unit of vector image files instead of pixels. As vector images are made with the help of a grid of dots, and these dots are placed according to mathematical formulas, there is no way these images lose their resolution even after you resize them multiple times.

What are JPEG Images?

Now that we have outlined a brief comparison between raster and vector image files, it is time to discuss their frequently used formats and applications. First, we will discuss the JPEG format. JPEG is the acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group. Images encoded in this format come with extensions .jpg or .jpeg. You can identify a JPEG image when it becomes blurry and pixelated when you zoom it.

This format finds its frequent use in photographic applications. This format is used for images where more details are required. You can call it a go-to format for digital images, and it has been in use since photographers have been using digital cameras to snap and save images digitally. The images or photographs saved in JPEG format are often smaller in terms of file size, which is also suitable for web usage. The most frequent use of this format is in photography and web publishing. Here are a few valuable details about JPEGs.

How and Where to Use JPEGs?

Here is how you can use JPEGs and where this image can be the most suitable.

JPEG is the most felxible image format when it comes to dealing with online images. You can make use of raster editing and image compression technique. Using a photo compressor you can compress image file size even smaller. This will enable you to make them suitable for web usage as small size images are better for loading speed.
If you are looking to print photos, then JPEG images with higher resolution and lower compression are a perfect fit. JPEG format is most suitable for sending pictures through emails and messnger apps. You can simply send an image preview by compressing images through a reliable image compressor.


Pros of JPEG image format that is used to save raster images digitally are given below:

  • JPEG format is the most used image format you will see on the web.
  • It is compatible with a wide range of browsers, applications, and software tools.
  • Its smaller file size makes it easier for the browser to process and display it.
  • Images in JPEG format can be compressed up to 100 KB easily without affecting their resolution with the help of a reliable photo compressor.
  • Post-processing of JPEG images is easier because of predefined white balance and saturation.


Here are some Cons of this format.

  • JPEG images may lose their sharpness because of heavy compression through an image compressor.
  • The automatic discard of details that are invisible to human-eye may affect the quality of images. Therefore, photographers should consider capturing images in raw format.

How do You Define SVG Images?

SVG is the acronym for Scalable Vector Graphics, which pretty much says it all. This format was purposefully designed to create and save vector images. The SVG images are vector images that use mathematical formulas to map points and lines in the form of a grid instead of pixel-based raster images like ones that come in JPEG format.

These images are easily scalable and can be enlarged or resized without affecting their quality. SVG images are generally written in XML code with proper patterns encoded in the form of instructions. The spatial relation between dots and lines means you won’t see any issue with the quality of SVG images while resizing them as compared to formats that are used to save raster images digitally.

SVGs find their application in the creation of graphics to be used as logos, icons, illustrations, and infographics. Here are some details about these images.

How and Where to Use SVGs?

Here are some details about the applications of SVGs.

SVGs are not pixel-based so they are significantly resizable, SVGs are usable for creating prints on clothes.SVGs are also used as cut files for digital cutting machines.SVGs find their use as logos, icons, and illustrations.You will also see SVGs getting used as infographics as they treat text as text and search engines also understand the text used with an SVG file.


Like JPEG images, SVGs also come with their own advantages. A few of them are listed below:

  • SVGs are made to maintain their resolution regardless of the resizing factor.
  • Basic SVGs can be significantly smaller than raster images.
  • SVG files don’t treat text as a part of graphics; hence, it is understood by search engines.


SVGs also have a few cons, which are given below:

  • You can’t encode high-quality images that are full of details in SVG format.
  • Only modern browsers have the capacity to process the SVG format.

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